Wednesday, December 23, 2009

First post...

I have always wanted to write. But whenever I sit and actually get down to write something somehow the words elude me.
It may be because I have not written anything after I left school or because I am too scared that my writing will not be good and others will not approve of it.
However, today I decided to give it a shot and finally here I am doing what I always wanted to do. Well, not always but sometimes.

So I begin by writing the new year resolutions. Resolutions I hope to stick to in the coming year.
1. Wake up early. And therefore sleep early. Whoever said early to bed early to rise was correct :)
2. Study something everyday.
3. Exercise every day.
4. Eat well.
5. Communicate more with people around you.
6. Concentrate on the job at hand.
7. Learn and practice multitasking.
8. Read more books and watch less TV :)
9. Travel.
That is all for now. I plan to add more as and when I remember something.


LearningNotesForDivakar said...

I will bet on this, if u r going to work on these resolutions..

Good one though.

Dhirendra said...

Add one from my side...

say "yes" , when I plan for outing.

Anuj Mehta said...

Great so finally u had started writing!! Nice resolutions


Practice multi-tasking - why?

Rohit said...

so that I can read and watch TV at the same time :)

Anonymous said...

This seems rather interesting.

6.Concentrate on the job at hand.