Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another day, another milestone

Just when anyone who had ever heard of a game called cricket (yes, I am including the ones who have never actually played it) was giving Sachin the advice to give a valedictory speech and retire, he did what no one else could in the last 39 years. This after proving himself day-in day-out, on and off the field, with a career record that requires no mention and in the last one year a performance that is much better than most in the world.

Sachin, like fine wine,
is getting better with the age.

He truly rocks and for the suckers who had written his cricketing obituary-go get a life.

P.S: I had written this post just after Sachin had completed the first ever ODI double hundred. Somehow was busy with work [;)] and could not post it earlier.

1 comment:


Bah.. Sachin needs to retire :P
I am fed up of seeing him taking off his helmet to celebrate a century ;-)